party favor - Billie Eilish
Hey, call me back When you get this
Or when you've got a minute We really need to talk
Wait, you know what Maybe just forget it
Cause by the time you get this Your number might be blocked
* (You hear ) Stay and blah blah blah You just want what you can't have
No wait, I'll call the cops If you don't stop I'll call your dad
And I hate to do this to you on your birthday Happy birthday by the way
It's not you it's me and all that other bullshit
You know that's bullshit Don't you, babe
I'm not your party favor
Look, now I know we could've done it better
But we can't change the weather And the weather's come and gone
Books don't make sense if you read them backwards
You'll single out the wrong words Like you mishear all my songs
( * )